Saturday, September 20, 2008

Shooting the Ball

After much anticipation Keagan finally had his first Soccer Smarts class at the rec center today. This is the same class that introduced Evan to soccer and the basics of various ball handling skills two years ago. Keagan was thrilled to find his friend Bryce in the same class, and he was quick to tattle on another little boy that didn't follow the instructions of the coach. Today he practiced stopping the ball, passing the ball, and dribbling the ball. At the end of class, he got to shoot the ball into the net. On our way out to the car, he asked, "How do you shoot a ball, Mom?" When I explained that it meant the same thing as kicking the ball into the net, a great wave of relief came over him. My poor baby thought that next week Coach Tony was going to bring guns to shoot the ball.

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