Saturday, September 20, 2008

Farm Life in the Fall

For two years I have heard and read stories about a local farm that hosts a fall festival every year. This year I told Wes that we would definitely make the trip to Centerville to experience the annual Fall Festival, but when we arrived in mid-afternoon and saw the rows upon rows of cars, I thought it would be too crowded to enjoy. Then we had to pay $60 to get in, and I thought Wes was going to faint in the hay right there in front of the many, many people. I began to wonder what we were thinking, and then we got around the corner to see a vast expanse filled with corn field mazes, animals pens, hay mazes, slides, and more. We didn't know where to begin. We took a hayride around the perimeter of the corn fields, across a creek, and into a haunted barn with disco lights and music....Keagan's favorite part of the day. 

Wes found a hut giving away apples and cold apple cider...his favorite part of the day. Evan found the corn maze with Fun House mirrors, and he laughed until his face turned red....His favorite part of the day.

But we also rode every slide, did the Tarzan rope swing, and searched for pennies in a haystack. We visited every animal pen and fed the milking cow.

On our way out, we each selected a miniature pumpkin. It was a great way to spend a fall afternoon.

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