Thursday, September 18, 2008

Kicked to the Curb

Because we move frequently, we rent our housing. Although we considered buying a house when we were reassigned to Belvoir three years ago, we are so thankful that we reneged on the deal at the last minute. We would have lost thousands upon thousands of dollars!

In July a rep from a bank left a notice of default for the owner of our house on our door. A few days later, another bank rep returned taking pictures of our house. I know all of this because I was hiding behind the upstairs window curtains watching from above. This week we received strange phone calls; people demanding contact information for the owner.

Tonight we are convinced that the bank will foreclose on our house in the very near future. What will happen to us? We found that the gov't will actually pay for a local move if we are forced out because the owners default on their loan. We were relieved to find that information, but moving is such a pain. I can't imagine moving in the next few weeks only to move again in June. Can you believe our luck? 

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