Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Home, Sweet, Home Number 7

In the ten years that Wes and I have been married, we have moved six times. At the end of the month we will be moving into house number seven. The owners of the house we currently rent are going into foreclosure and the owner is hoping to sell the house before the bank repossesses it. Thankfully, the owners of the new rental house have agreed to lease their house to us for eight months. The two houses officially sit 1/8 mile apart. 

What a relief to have some questions finally answered! Now we are awaiting paperwork from two banks that will allow the gov't to move us for free. The boys are excited about the move, sort of anyway. Keagan is still worried that he will never see his Thomas trains, bunk bed, or collection of costumes ever again. Evan really wanted to live on a street with a friend from school. Unfortunately, the cul-de-sac has very few young kids. In my spare time, like I have any!!!, I will be cleaning out closets and trying to consolidate as much as possible. And we must find a washer and dryer. 

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