Friday, October 17, 2008

Academic Award

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Today I opened Evan's Friday folder to find this! What a surprise! It had me wondering if the teacher didn't pass one out to every kid. Then I wondered if she gives one every Friday and it has taken seven weeks for Evan to show "outstanding student performance". Evan, of course, had no idea what it meant or why he received it. It doesn't matter how we interpret the reasoning behind the award because we still get a free meal with the certificate, and when all of our goods are packed on Monday, it will be the perfect excuse to eat a meal out.

On a side note...The kids paid a dollar today to wear a hat to school. The money collected went to Heavenly Hats, an organization dedicated to buying hats for children who have lost their hair as a result of chemotherapy. Evan wore his all day - backwards. What a great cause!

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