Saturday, October 18, 2008

Built Tough

Keagan had a nasty fall this weekend while riding Evan's scooter. The worst part is I was supposed to catch him as he careened down the alley. At the last minute, he jumped off the scooter, and the scooter went under his feet. As he was sprawled out on top of the asphalt, he looked up at me, and it was as if the knot on top of his eye was growing while I watched. Today it looks even worse with more of the eye blue and bruised. He is embarrassed about it and refuses to talk about it. And as luck would have it, picture day is on Wednesday!

After the fall and a long nap, the boys and I went to Montclair's Haunted Happenings. There was nothing haunted, and Evan was disappointed to not have experienced the fright of his life.

Today we had another soccer game, and Keagan helped me take a couple of pictures. I think he might really know what he is doing.

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