Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Evan Tries to Pull a Fast One

Last month Evan's teacher stopped me while I was working in the yard to express her concern with Evan's academic progress. It appeared that he tried to make her believe that he could not write or read. However, he said a couple of things in class one day that made her realize that he was reading print material. She wanted to know if he could indeed read. I told her he was more than capable of handling kindergarten work and told her he was trying to pull a fast one on her. 

Evan and I had a little heart to heart once the front door was closed. It was not pretty. He told me, "If she knows I can read, then she will make me read the hard books, and I don't want to do that when I can sit at the table and do easy things." At the parent/teacher conference last week, we learned that he is indeed participating and reading with the "high" group. What is it with boys trying to get away with doing as little as possible?

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