Wednesday, December 20, 2023

We Made It

The eight hour red eye flight was rough! It was hot and my seat was broken and stayed in an upright position all eight hours. I might have slept two hours. But we made it to London. 

Our rental house is the perfect size and very clean. Our host went out of her way to welcome us and help us navigate a few plans. However, the neighborhood is sketchy and dirty. Tonight we spotted a small fox roaming the streets looking for dinner. I never expected to see that in London! 

After check in, showers, and water, our first stop was Stamford Bridge, a stadium built right in the middle of the city and on top of a river. 

Chelsea played Liverpool last night, so the turf is undergoing repair. These heat lamps provide the light and heat needed to spur growth. 

From here we took the train to the beautiful Milestone Hotel for a traditional English tea. The boys were bummed with the food choice: finger sandwiches and pastries. Evan said, “I’m 6’3”, 240 pounds, and American. How in the world are we supposed to get full on finger sandwiches and pastries?” Keagan added, “Why do the English have to eat like it’s still World War 1.” Hold my mango tea, boys. 

We were stuffed!

Then we got back on the train to see The Tower of London, Tower Hill, and Tower Bridge.

Wes’s friend from Scotland Yard hooked us up with special tickets to observe The Ceremony of Keys, a 800 year old nightly tradition that includes locking the tower gate at night. They have been late only once; the evening the tower was bombed in WW2. Pictures were not allowed except when we were allowed to stop in the Yeomans’ bar for pints. It was cold, we were tired, and the view was obscured from the crowd. However, it is a coveted event and I was super thankful to have the chance to experience it. 

We are now home and ready for sleep. Did I mention we are exhausted? Tomorrow we have places to go and things to see and it’s our day for fish and chips. 

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