Thursday, December 28, 2023

Day Two in Amsterdam

Two words. My feet! I may never recover from walking on cobblestone. Today we took the train into Amsterdam and got pancakes. And of course, the boys made fun of me for getting peach, honey, and goat cheese. But it was perfect! 

We then walked the streets to Ann Frank’s house where we had a tour. This was a great tour and well worth the 0300 alarm last month to secure the tickets! 

I told Evan these people must be Vol fans, and then he told me he ran into someone at one of the games that saw his orange beanie and yelled, “Go, Vols!” Tennessee fans are all over the world!

I wonder if Europeans are underwhelmed when they walk American streets. How long would it take for me to take all of this, the color, the style, the uniqueness, for granted?  

Walking along the streets is breathtaking. Every turn brings something different. 

After the tour we walked through a flower market. I could have spent a fortune buying bulbs. I bought some with an “American seal of agriculture” which I think is fake, but I was willing to take the chance. I know exactly where I’ll plant them. 

And then we bought cheese. But cow cheese, not goat. Otherwise, I’d never hear the end of it. 

Wes and I hit up a couple of Deflt pottery stores to window shop, and the boys sat canal side chatting it up. 

After lunch we continued our foot tour of the city. 

And we ended the night with a total bummer canal cruise. It was advertised as an evening holiday lights tour, but it was art work turned AI themed. It was bad, so bad we took no pictures because nothing was memorable. 

It’s about to rain again. The north wind is howling and we are snug in the house resting our sore feet, eating cheese - cow cheese. 

Life is grand!

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