Sunday, December 24, 2023

Merry Christmas Eve from London

We slept in today, and had a slow, low key day. After lunch time, we took the train to the city to see St.Paul’s Cathedral. It was closed today to visitors as they were offering the Eucharist. 

Every corner offered a very different view - each side stunning. I thought it more beautiful than the Abbey. The entire time we were in the area the bells rang. Magical! 

The small Christmas market off the square was mostly closed, so we decided to walk our way to Tower Bridge to our dinner reservation. We passed through a much larger Christmas market on the bank of the River Thames and salivated at all of the food choices. 

The Indian guy had one job - one job! - and all of the pics he took were blurry. 

We walked across Tower Bridge to the restaurant and had the very best appetizers - sausage and fennel. And for dessert we had sticky toffee pudding and it was fantastic! 

We stopped at the corner store to say Merry Christmas to our new Lebanese friend and to buy breakfast food; earlier today we bought Chinese food for tomorrow’s Christmas dinner. We plan to stay up late tonight watching football and sleep in late tomorrow. We have been so lucky with mild temps and just a mist falling a couple of days, but tomorrow rain is expected. The timing is perfect. I’ll go to bed to the wind howling and the rain falling knowing I don’t have to be in it tomorrow. 

Merry Christmas Eve! 🎄

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