Friday, December 29, 2023

Goodbye Amsterdam, Hello London

Good bye, Amsterdam. You are a beautiful city, truly breathtaking. But…

l had forgotten how much Europeans smoke. And I’m over it. So hello, London. 

We woke up to rain this morning, but by the time the train made it to the city center the sun was trying to shine - for about two minutes. Then it turned cloudy again. We had lunch at a local cafe, but it’s hardly worth mentioning. The streets were so crowded today with tourists on holiday and people coming into the city for the day. It was almost impossible to walk and window shop, which is what it seemed a lot of people were doing. We had a ten minute wait just to get into The Lego Store, but Evan decided he had no money for that. We also did some shopping in a soccer store. And both boys decided they had money for that. 

We had coffee and shakes at another cafe before making our way back to the train station to catch the Eurostar back to London. Evan said, “We’ve seen four countries in the time it takes me to drive to Knoxville. Unbelievable.” 

The train was running late getting into London, so once we found our new AirB&B in Notting Hill, we ordered out for a very late dinner. We are closer to the city and only steps from the train station, but this place is tiny! There’s no way the four of us could stay here for more than a couple of days. Tomorrow I hope to make a stop at Portabello Market. 

Our time here is winding down. Two more wake-ups and we will be back home. 

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