Thursday, December 21, 2023

Day 2 in London

Much to the boys’ chagrin, we had reservations this morning for The Churchill War Rooms which meant an early wake up call. But it was so worth all of Keagan’s complaining because I found it fascinating. In short, Churchill orchestrated WW2 from concrete bunkers beneath the current financial building. 

After the war ended, the bunkers were abandoned - so excited the 500 plus people were to live above ground again - and many of the rooms stayed intact. This push-pin map showing troop movements has been hanging in this exact spot since 1941. 

Questioned by many for his radical political ideas. Hated by the men who were forced to work 18 hours days seven days a week with him. Loved by most at his time of death. What a life this man led! 

We exited across the street from St James’s Park and had to pop over to see the giant pelicans that live near the water in front of Buckingham Palace. 

For lunch we had fish and chips with mushy peas - is it described as mushy because some Englishman eat them hard?  Keagan said it was fire. Evan said it was meh.

From here we took the train again to Tower Hill. The city is massive and even by train it takes a long time to get anywhere. This time we completed our tour of The Tower of London. We got inside The White Tower, saw the Crown Jewels, got up close with one of the black ravens, and walked the tower walls.

The ravens must live on or the empire will fall. Six ravens stand guard at the tower to ensure her future success. 

I took this pic because both boys are wearing big boy pants, not joggers, and shirts, not sweatshirts. It’s my Christmas miracle. 

Guess what? There’s no queue to see the jewels when it is rainy and windy in winter. You just walk straight away. 

The monotony of this job is beyond anything I can fathom. I. Just. Can’t. But isn’t he cute?

We headed back on the train to visit The Abbey Road Studio, the famous studio the Beatles recorded their music. Here’s the cross walk they used for the iconic picture used on their album cover.

Of course Wes had to go to the gift shop and buy an album. 

What a day! I’m eating a pbj sandwich for dinner and hoping to be in bed by 8:00. 

The boys went to see their first EPL game with Chrystal Palace and Brighton. There’s no complaining about a late night with an early morning when soccer is involved; this only happens if Mom books a tour. 

Tomorrow’s culinary experience includes meat pies. Let’s see how that treats us. 

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