Saturday, December 23, 2023

Day 4 in London

It’s game day! Keagan, so excited that it was finally here, was singing the Man United song in the shower this morning, complete with feet stomping and what I can only imagine fist pumps.

Today’s game against West Ham was in London Stadium in the middle of Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and was a destination on its own - even without the game. I loved the shopping area, the live music, the street performers, the pubs, and restaurants that you can’t miss when leaving the train station. 

We “tailgated”, which is not an English thing because we were the only ones drinking in the park next to the river but adopted by these forward thinking lads to save money on beer, with Wes’s friend from Scotland Yard and his mates. Not a female was spotted as far as the eye could see. This is the only place I have ever been where there was no line for the ladies’ restroom. I didn’t get the memo that females don’t attend matches in England.

Keagan couldn’t wear his colors, couldn’t cheer for his favorite player, or even clap for his beloved team; the security is very strict when you sit among the supporters of the opposing team. However, he was giddy with excitement! He said, “I’m finally watching my team in person. I’ve watched them for years on tv, YouTube, and Instagram and today I get to see them, really see them!”

This! This is why we do Christmas experiences. 

I think I might have bruises on my arm from Keagan clutching me with each new update during the pregame. 

And, no, Evan isn’t high. Why can’t he take a decent photo with a smile? I blame my dad and grandmother. 

Unfortunately, the Bubbles beat us 0-2. This made for a sad day indeed. Then it got sadder when the boys learned our next adventure included Christmas lights. 

We took the train to Hyde Park for Winter Wonderland, but I didn’t care to pay a penny to enter the glorified county fair. I may be on vacation, but I can do the tilt a whirl in my own country. We decided to eat instead because you can’t go wrong with food. During the quest to find dinner, our adventure with Christmas lights began. 

I feel like London may be more diverse than New York City. Never have I heard so many languages or seen so many different types of people. Now I know how the current non-white prime minister represents the people. 

The streets were packed with last minute shoppers. We spotted one man enter the underground with a pair of scissors. I was alarmed, especially when he sat next to Keagan, until I realized he was trying to quickly wrap a present. 

We eventually found a stellar Italian restaurant in Mayfair and ordered calzones. It was delish! Because we also ordered dessert, we didn’t get to see our Lebanese corner shop owner tonight. 

We made it out past dark until almost 1900 tonight. We are living on the wild side now. Watch out, London! 

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