Monday, July 1, 2019

Texas Trip

This past week was our annual summer trip to Texas. It was only three days, but it was three days packed full of family, food, and fun in the most beautiful place in Texas - my parents’ house. Keagan told me he sat outside on the porch with Opa every morning and finally figured out why Opa made that a part of his daily routine. “It’s the birds, Mom. They make so many different sounds.”

My mom made enough food to feed an army. We never have to worry about going hungry. 

Keagan living his best life as a “Paul” drinking a smoothie and working on his tan. 

The cousins spent endless hours in the pool and were still swimming in the evening when the coyotes came out to hunt. 

My aunt brought my grandmother and Eirick for the day. Before arriving, they stopped at Euford’s in Pittsburg to pick up my favorite peaches.

And when it was time for them to go, Evan scooped the baby up so he wouldn’t burn his feet walking to the car.

Until next summer.

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