Thursday, July 11, 2019

NYC Day 4

I’m finally used to the horns honking, the bad smells, and the diverse people, and of course it means we have reached our last full day in the city. We took the subway to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. Because we were stationed in Germany when it happened, there are several aspects of that day in history that I missed for not being on American soil. I was transfixed by the museum. It was so well done! 

This tree was found in Ground Zero in 2001 charred and damaged, but it was uprooted and sent to a nursery. Once it recovered, it was transplanted at the 9/11 memorial.  It still carries the scars of the violence but serves as a symbol of hope and resiliency. 

From here, we took the subway to Coney Island. I was a bit skeptical of Brooklyn as the train got closer to the stop, but it ended up being a quaint and fun place. Think Virginia Beach-esque. If it hadn’t started to rain, we would have stayed a bit longer soaking up the sun and riding amusement park rides at Luna Park.

Speaking of rain. We had a few drops fall on us during our Big Bus Night tour. The rain fell like pellets anytime the speed increased above 5 mph. Luckily, the traffic was so bad, we rarely got that fast for too long. I wouldn’t have minded being soaked if our tour guide was actually any good, but he pointed out Macy’s and the Addidas store. I wanted history and facts; I can see the names of the stores on the buildings. Keagan was none too happy to be wet, chilly, and sitting on the top of a bus. I wish I had pics but I couldn’t risk drowning my phone. 

Tomorrow we are Amtrakking to Boston.

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