Friday, July 5, 2019

Happy Fourth!

This is as festive as our Fourth of July got. 

Exactly six years ago we were unpacking and moving into our new house in Tennessee. Apparently my long term memory is fuzzy and I’ve forgotten the anxiety and stress that comes with moving because here we are moving again. While cleaning out the kitchen, I came across this light up flag. I knew Keagan would find the perfect way to celebrate with it. He did not disappoint. 

His interpretive dance is spot on.

Between moving, cleaning the house, and cuddling with a scared dog, this is all we could muster this year. We didn’t even watch the neighborhood fireworks because the dog was crying and the mosquitoes were biting.  

Next year I’ll be sure to medicate the dog, and from my mosquito free screened porch, I’ll watch the fireworks show without a care in the world! This year’s sleeping on air mattresses and eating PBJ for lunch will be a distant memory. 

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