Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sledding Until Night Fall

The boys got one more day of sledding in before the ice and snow began to melt. 

I made a killer pot of jambalaya. I cleaned toilets. And I did this. If my freezers filled with prepared meals don't indicate exactly how much free time I have had, then certainly this picture does. 

I had to work hard to get it, too. He kept flying away as soon as I opened the back door. 

We are ready to return to a routine, but we will welcome another winter storm in about three weeks. After all, we have a few more snow days to use before spring arrives. 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Snow Day #4

Another snow day here in Tennessee but you won't hear any of us complaining. We have worked from home, cooked, played, relaxed, read, slept, and enjoyed not having a reason to get up each morning. Snow totals only reached six inches, but it was packed down enough today for the boys to go sledding.

I'm certain another batch of snow cream is in order. Perhaps another batch of cookies and possibly a movie will also make the to-do list.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Snow Days

The boys are currently on day three of their snow day break and are finally getting to see some real snow. We woke up to ice hitting the windows of the house and then gradually saw the ice turn to snow. Snow totals are supposed to reach 8-10 inches and the boys couldn't be happier. I'm just as excited. There is something wonderful knowing you will be snowed in for several days and unable to leave the house.

Although the boys tried to sled today, the snow was too fresh and powdery to get any real speed.

Tonight's plans include a movie and snow cream.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

First Snow Day

There's something magical about the first snow of the winter. Especially when school and post are closed. We were fore casted for 3-5 inches. I think we got 1/4 an inch of snow and 1/2 inch of ice. I awoke at 1:30 this morning when I heard it hitting our windows and was almost too excited to stay in bed. Well, maybe not that excited, but I was eager to see the beautiful snow. I slept until 8:00 (so maybe not too eager) and was disappointed to still see mud and grass.

Wes worked from home. I cooked most of the day. Evan shoveled ice.

Keagan ate it.

We await the next storm. The next "big" snow is approaching in 24 hours!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Mas Family Fun, Por Favor

So I finally know what people do when they don't have weekends filled with soccer games. We had one such weekend and after spending two days watching football, I knew it was time to get out of the house. We drove to the city and finally had lunch at The Pharmacy. It only took us three years to find the time to eat at the highly acclaimed and highly recommended restaurant. Keagan told me to thank the person who suggested it to me. To say the least, it was a hit with the boys. 

As we were waiting street side to get our table, Keagan looked across the street at Mas Tacos and read out loud, "Pour favor" (instead of por favor) and asked what does that mean? I don't think my boys can claim to be Texan any longer. 

After lunch, we played Gold Rush at The Escape Games. We made it to the last room, and the last two clues, and then ran out of time. We were close to escaping but not close enough 
to win. 

Evan was PO'ed at losing, but we all agreed it was great fun. Hours later and the boys are still talking about it. We will be back!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

I Prayed for This

Before I had kids, I prayed for boys. Specifically, a house full of boys. From time to time, Wes reminds me of that prayer. Like today when I heard this.

"Hey, Mom! I just farted so hard that the button on my jeans popped again! I must have some distinguishing farts."

I never prayed for boys and expected these words to be said in my house, much less for years on end. Thank God my prayers were answered, though. I can't imagine it any other way.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

They are Winners Any Way You Look at It

Middle school basketball season is coming to a close. Coach told me last week that Evan was only one of four seventh graders that has ever had the opportunity to start for the varsity team. It was a wonderful compliment for my boy.

He had many games where is was just short of a double-double. I'm still holding my breath because I know it is within his reach. You can bet I will make sure everyone knows about it when it comes to fruition, too.

Although, we had a losing season, we had a winning team. In tonight's last home game, we had a student with Downs Syndrome play the last minute of the game. The stands went wild when he was subbed into the game. He even got to score a basket! He has attended every home game and has sat on the sidelines cheering on our boys. This time we were there to cheer him on. The entire team walked onto the court to pat him on the back and congratulate him when he scored. I've never been prouder to be a Hawk parent than tonight


Sunday, January 10, 2016

Ka-Ching! Ka-Ching! Boy Has a Job!

Take a look at Tennessee's newest soccer refs!
These guys spent Friday night, all day Saturday, and Sunday afternoon at ref school. I don't know many thirteen year olds who would agree to give up their entire weekend for a boring powerpoint on the seventeen laws of soccer. But I think both boys see dollar signs and can't wait to start earning the big bucks calling fouls and off sides. 
Evan says that in the next three years he will earn and save up enough money to buy a truck. I doubt that we are envisioning the same model of truck. Nevertheless, I'm super proud of him for attempting to earn his own money. Secretly, I can't wait to see how he reacts to his first aggressive and annoying parent. Will he ignore them? Give them a look? Or send them to the parking lot? Spring can't come fast enough!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Until Next Time

We've traveled to a lot of places. We've seen beaches all over the world. We never return to the same place because out bucket list is extensive. However, we just might break all of our rules and return to Roatan.

While my heart broke for the young children dancing on the side of the road to make money for the family,

 and while Keagan was tending to (and naming) every homeless cat on the island, 

Evan made the most profound statement. "These people have so little and yet they are all happy."

And for this reason, we just might have to break all of our travel rules and make a return trip to Roatan in the very near future. Until then, we go back to eating PBJ and beans in order to save for our next adventure!