Sunday, January 10, 2016

Ka-Ching! Ka-Ching! Boy Has a Job!

Take a look at Tennessee's newest soccer refs!
These guys spent Friday night, all day Saturday, and Sunday afternoon at ref school. I don't know many thirteen year olds who would agree to give up their entire weekend for a boring powerpoint on the seventeen laws of soccer. But I think both boys see dollar signs and can't wait to start earning the big bucks calling fouls and off sides. 
Evan says that in the next three years he will earn and save up enough money to buy a truck. I doubt that we are envisioning the same model of truck. Nevertheless, I'm super proud of him for attempting to earn his own money. Secretly, I can't wait to see how he reacts to his first aggressive and annoying parent. Will he ignore them? Give them a look? Or send them to the parking lot? Spring can't come fast enough!

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