Thursday, January 14, 2016

They are Winners Any Way You Look at It

Middle school basketball season is coming to a close. Coach told me last week that Evan was only one of four seventh graders that has ever had the opportunity to start for the varsity team. It was a wonderful compliment for my boy.

He had many games where is was just short of a double-double. I'm still holding my breath because I know it is within his reach. You can bet I will make sure everyone knows about it when it comes to fruition, too.

Although, we had a losing season, we had a winning team. In tonight's last home game, we had a student with Downs Syndrome play the last minute of the game. The stands went wild when he was subbed into the game. He even got to score a basket! He has attended every home game and has sat on the sidelines cheering on our boys. This time we were there to cheer him on. The entire team walked onto the court to pat him on the back and congratulate him when he scored. I've never been prouder to be a Hawk parent than tonight