Wednesday, January 20, 2016

First Snow Day

There's something magical about the first snow of the winter. Especially when school and post are closed. We were fore casted for 3-5 inches. I think we got 1/4 an inch of snow and 1/2 inch of ice. I awoke at 1:30 this morning when I heard it hitting our windows and was almost too excited to stay in bed. Well, maybe not that excited, but I was eager to see the beautiful snow. I slept until 8:00 (so maybe not too eager) and was disappointed to still see mud and grass.

Wes worked from home. I cooked most of the day. Evan shoveled ice.

Keagan ate it.

We await the next storm. The next "big" snow is approaching in 24 hours!

1 comment:

  1. Stay warm and safe...just rain here..and not complaining at all..
