Sunday, December 21, 2014

Powerful Toes

After I finished all of the Christmas shopping last week for the boys, I realized I hadn't bought any shoes. I thought it was pretty amazing that no one needed shoes this year - especially since we seem to need new shoes at least every three months. Tennis shoes, cleats, bball shoes, church shoes... We always need new shoes. 

Today at church I happen to look down, and I see the seam on Evan's shoe has ripped leaving a gaping hole and a bunch of unraveled thread.  I ask E what happened and he said, "I swear all I did was flex my toe and it ripped! I must have some really powerful big toes."

This might have been unbelievable a few years ago, but I totally believe this today. With all of the advice I have received about rearing boys, no one ever prepared me for how fast boys can grow. As I write, I realize that Evan has been napping for two hours. I fear he will wake up another half inch taller and all of those new clothes beautifully wrapped under the tree, will no longer fit!

I see long lines under the return signs in my future!

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