Monday, December 29, 2014

Etang National Forest

Sometimes the rainforest can be as enchanting as the beach. This is especially true of the Grenadian rainforest. The flowering plants, the variety of trees, and the aromas are breath taking. Our first stop was Etang Lake, created in the crater of an extinct volcano.

The island is known as The Spice Island because spices like nutmeg, cinnamon, and saffron grow in abundance here. But the rainforest has beautiful trees like the rainbow sycamore. We even saw a kapok tree; the elementary teacher in me was so excited about this!

The national park is home to monkeys and the national bird, the Grenada dove. Interestingly, a guy was imprisoned last month for four years for running over a dove. After hearing this story, I was so glad we ran out of money and didn't rent a car while we were there because I would have been yelling, "Stop! A bird!" with the flap of every wing for fear of killing a bird. I don't think Wes would have approved!

Our favorite site in the national park was Annandale Falls. 

The boys were brave enough to jump in! We were taken by this place and would love to return one day.

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