Saturday, December 6, 2014

Basketball Season is Here

Keagan is playing basketball this winter. Evan is not and for reasons that we are not even certain. How can my 5'8" sixth grader not want to play basketball? It makes me sick - literally - to go to these games and have my older son sit in the bleacers as a spectator. But we are very excited to watch Keagan, or as the African American play-by-play announcer refers to as Key'on, play his heart out.

He is playing in a middle school league and played Evan's middle school's JV team today. He was playing against a kid today that is the center for the varsity middle school football team. Keagan didn't even bat an eye. Sol lost that game, but only by four points. Game two was just a couple of hours later.

Keagan's wearing number one, but perhaps, it would be easier to look for the white boy.

What Keagan lacks in height, he totally makes up for in heart. He is one heck of a defensive player.

He's the youngest and smallest kid on the team, and yet, he is one of the starters. So proud of our little Key'on!

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