Sunday, December 28, 2014

Day 2 Adventure

Today we took a boat to snorkel at Molinere Reef and Pelican Bay. 

Much of the reef was destroyed by a hurricane about 20 years ago. Ten years ago an artist created an underwater sculpture garden that he hoped would revitalize the growth of new coral. The art work was amazing and at the same time a bit odd. Our favorite sculpture was a group of children standing in a circle and holding hands. Underwater. All I could think of was drowning children. It's beyond odd really. Evan wanted to know why, even after ten years, there wasn't any coral growing on the statues. I was still stuck on drowning children, and my eldest was in deep thought about the life cycle of coral. Our guide assured us this is the first of many underwater sculpture gardens to come. We can say we saw the first, even if it is the last. 

We, by we I mean the boys, spent the afternoon at the pool with a football (I had a date under the sea grape tree with my Kindle and desire to produce as much vitamin D as possible), and then we caught a game or two of beach tennis. 

I'm still dreaming of the school's upcoming accreditation visit. A few more days in paradise and I hope to be cured!

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