Friday, January 4, 2013

Salt Water Marshes

When we first moved to the South, I didn't understand the beauty that the locals found with the salt water marshes. It just seemed like mud and grass to me. I have since learned to appreciate the mud and grass a little more... that is as long as the smell of the marsh remains undetected. Otherwise, I avoid it at all costs.

Today we toured a salt marsh, an odor free salt marsh. It was low tide and the boys were able to find crabs, oysters, grass shrimp, and

periwinkle snails. Our guide told us that the vibrations of our voices would entice the snails out of their shells. So we sang Happy Birthday to the snails with them next to our voices boxes. It actually worked!

The boys thought my idea of touring the salt water marsh earned me a Mom of the Year award. I fully recognize that these days are numbered so I cherished today's smiles and adoration.

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