Friday, January 18, 2013

Reading Bowl

I feel like I need to explain. Maybe pre-adolescence is to blame? Maybe the kids weren't ready for the shot? Whatever the reason, this picture is horrible. But it's the only one that I have. I look at it and laugh every time because otherwise it makes me cry. Their expressions scare me; one looks like she might attack me. Evan's black shirt with navy pants scares me even more. I seriously said to Evan, "I had no idea the team shirt was black. Didn't anyone tell you to wear the khaki pants instead of the navy?" 

I think this is a sign that my OCD is spiraling out of control.

Forget the clashing colors. The event I really wish to document is this. Evan's Reading Bowl team competed in today's local event. They earned third place and a medal. They missed out on winning first and advancing to the next level by only two points. As much as Evan hates to lose, he said that the doughnuts for breakfast, pizza for lunch, and a half day of missed class still made for a good day. The competition must have taken a lot out of him because he was in bed last night at 1800 and slept for 13 hours! Who knew reading could be so exhausting?

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