Thursday, January 17, 2013

Basketball Woes

Four games this week. Four losses. Lots of tears. This time it was the boys and not me. I have given up on believing we can win so I surprisingly sit quietly and watch the game like any normal parent. I still fail to find the humor, though, in eight year olds who shoot on the wrong goal or walk with the ball down the court. The other parents laugh and say, "Oh, Lordy Be! How cute is that?" I swear under my breath and put my head between my legs so that I don't hyperventilate.

I will try to concentrate on the positive, though. Evan had six three pointers this week, and he scored 16 of his team's 18 points in Wednesday night's game. He did not foul out, or if he did, the score keeper took pity on us since we were losing by 20 points.

Keagan scored six points in Tuesday's game, and he scored all five points in Thursday night's game. I was asked by another parent in the stands how many basketball camps the boys had attended, and I said none. She then asked who taught them how to play basketball, and before I could give an honest answer, Keagan piped in, "My mom was a star basketball player and played for the A team when she was in school." The other mom looked at me with doubt written all over her face, and when I saw the that-can't-be-so look on her face, I ran with the story. Never mind I played for my junior high team, spent some time on the bench because I wasn't fast enough, and won only one game the entire season. I WAS THE STAR, according to Keagan anyway.

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