Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Winter Wonderland in Texas

We arrived to Texas with temperatures sitting at a very pleasant 72 degrees. It was perfect. I never dreamed that two days later we would experience a Christmas like none other.

We were awakened before the sun was up to thunder and lightning. By late afternoon the rain turned to sleet and then snow. When the snow started falling, we all ran to gather the kids to take a quick picture. We knew there was no way it would stick because this is Texas, after all, and it would be short lived, because well, this is Texas after all.

Caroline, Mallory, Keagan, Evan

Two hours later, though, we had a beautiful white Christmas. Texas has a reputation for unpredictable weather, but snow on Christmas is about as far fetched as they come.

The winter wonderland was beautiful until we lost electricity, heat and water. Then the snow quickly lost its appeal. We were in bed before ten wrapped in five layers of blankets praying we didn't freeze.

Today we awoke to 4 inches of snow and a true winter wonderland.

Of course we never packed clothes meant for two days in the snow. The boys are wearing Daddy's thick socks, four shirts, hoodies, Oma's gloves, and baseball caps that belong to Opa.

I am content to stay inside in front of the fire. My open toed shoes wouldn't do much for me in this weather anyway.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like a Christmas card! I can't believe that is Mount Pleasant. (We must synchronize our visits from now on :))
