Monday, December 17, 2012

Perfectionism is a Beast

Tis the season to make gingerbread houses. We used uneaten Halloween candy, homemade icing and graham crackers. The finished products looked just as good as any house from a kit!

Evan's House

However, the road to a finish product didn't go as smoothly as we had planned.

Evan started out all smiles but when Keagan's house had four walls and a door, and Evan's house had four walls that had collapsed on each other for a second time, Evan left the room in tears. Perfectionism is a beast! Poor guy just couldn't handle the awesome design of the K&K. It was only minutes later that Wes was found in the kitchen clearly wishing I had kept all of my creative, holiday ideas to myself.

Keagan offered his master builder skills and soon the house was upright again with a door and all of the candy trimmings.
We now add gingerbread houses to the list of banned family activities. It sits right under putt-putt.

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