Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Europeans Ruined it for Me

I have never seen so many Europeans outside of Europe in my life. I think the entire country of Spain was at Universal today. What happened to Spain's crumbling economy? 

Either two things were going to happen today. Either I was going to punch a rude Spaniard in the face or suffer from frostbite. I don't know how I possibly suffered through the day without either occurring.

We did play some basketball, though, because this is not something we can do for free at our house. We are real adventuresome like that. The fun really began,  however, when the boys attempted a brief trash talking episode with three Spanish boys who were Heat fans. When the language barrier got us stuck with the Spanish saying "het" for "heat", the episode quickly ended. I tried to intervene by actually translating the trash talk into Spanish and one of the boys looked at me and said, "I don't speak English!" So I said in Spanish, "I am speaking Spanish; not English." and he said, "I don't speak English!"
My self-esteem was permanently damaged with this brief encounter.
I realize I could never live in Europe ever again. Too many Europeans. 
I am ready to go home.

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