Saturday, December 8, 2012

Weekend in Review

The wands received this week from Saint Nicholas have been put to good use. Keagan used a magical spell last night to turn Evan into a Hooter's Girl. And just so we are clear, Keagan feels strongly that those girls are nasty!

This was after we spent an ungodly amount of money at the Olde Pink House eating a dinner meant for  a king and after a vain attempt by well meaning parents to teach the boys appropriate table etiquette. I think we mastered one skill: no elbows on the table. Evan is still confused by the assortment of cutlery.

This was after Evan threw a fit when I told him he had to wear something other than jeans to one of the nicest restaurants in Savannah. He told me in a rather terse voice, "I would be much happier in jeans eating Five Guys!" He had no problem slammin' that crab cake down, though.

But after ALL  of that Friday night excitement, I was finally, after two weeks, able to finish my final paper of the semester. I know more about the overexcitabilities experienced by the gifted population than should be humanly possible. Six weeks of freedom and then it all starts again!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on finishing that paper!
    You deserved a special dinner for that feat.
    When can I expect it to be published?
    Seriously - I'd like to read it.
