Friday, December 14, 2012


This can mean only one thing.

Move #I've-Forgotten-How-Many-Times-We-Have-Packed-and-Moved is just around the corner. Wes reports to the exotic and ever exciting Fort Campbell on 14-JAN.

I say exciting without a hint of sarcasm because we actually look forward to living in a town that has a mall, a Target, and a Five Guys. We know because we have googled it already several times. It was too good to be true to have all three, so we had to double check ourselves before our hopes got too high. In fact, I am googling it again just to be double sure.

We're ready for you, Tennessee! Ready for Titan football, country music, and summers on the lake. It would all be a bit more exciting if I could say summers on our boat on the lake, but everyone knows that if you are in the military and buy a boat, you are certain to be on orders to move in less than three months. I am hoping for a stay of at least two years before I bring out the packing paper again.

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