Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Santa requires a daily dose of fiber and may have a drinking problem

Santa arrived and brought Keystone Light and Raisin Bran, the breakfast of champions. 

Not really, but the boys got a kick out of opening Uncle Jamie's gifts and finding these boxes under the wrapping paper. 

My champions did, however, have a Christmas morning filled with sporting goods.

With the Nerf glow in the dark football, we will now be able to play football in the dark. Our neighbors' brief respite from the after-dark cheers is now over.

 Basketball jerseys - The fight over which player is better, Durant or Nowitski, has been on going. It is still a toss up.

A collection of over 500 football cards makes for one happy boy.

Soccer guys...hours of play design and commentary have already transpired. LOVE listening to this little guy pretend to play soccer almost as much as I love to watch him play soccer.

The best gift of all, though, was our holiday spent together.

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