Saturday, December 29, 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away

There seems to be a pattern with our holiday vacation plans and the weather. It is either snowing, tornadoes are ripping up cities on our tour, or it is raining. Today it poured on us!

The rain couldn't stop us, though. We made it to Harry Potter and experienced a ride like no other! Best of all, we only had to wait in line 90 minutes! I had high hopes that the rain would keep out the hundreds of thousands of other guests who planned to visit the park today. Unfortunately, the butter beer and magic wands were so enticing that even rain couldn't keep them away. I have never seen so many people in once place...EVER!

Wes says that after a day spent at an amusement park he feels like he just endured the Bataan death march. Since we were in bed by 9:00, I think it means we are just old.

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