Saturday, February 25, 2012

All Star Shutout

Today was the All Star Basketball Tournament.
We lost by 20-some-odd points.
The mercy rule (ie: the clock runs continuously in the fourth quarter) was put into effect.
We had 9 points to our name after four quarters of play.
It was bad. Real bad. Something akin to the Bad News Bears of Basketball.

But Evan is still an All Star in our minds. We were behind by 21 points when Evan stole the ball from the opponent and passed it down the court to a team mate to score our one basket of the third quarter. I was so excited to see our team do something notable that I stood up and yelled, " Way to go, Evan! WOA! That's my baby!" It was my one chance to say something positive, and I jumped on it.

Otherwise, like right here when Evan went up for a three pointer and got caught jumping, I was yelling, "Oh, jeez! STOP TRAVELING and plant your feet."

It's hard to score, though, much less win, when you are playing a miniature version of a team from the NBA. Trust me when I say that this team's basketball skills were way better that their abilities to match their socks.

Good-bye basketball season. You were good to us this year. We will remember the kind words of our coach who said, "Evan, good job. I don't know why I took a likin' to you. I favored you for some reason. I think it is your heart and your desire to win. I'm going to look you up one day."

Please do, Coach. Like, say, in August because Evan's heart is even more faithful to football.

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