Sunday, February 19, 2012

Go Gators!

Opa and Oma met us in Tallahassee, Florida for the weekend soccer tournament. We have several tournaments planned in the coming months in hopes that we will be better prepared for the district tournament in May. Right now, there isn't much competition in our area so we have to travel to find teams that offer the same level of play.

Here are the boys in the hotel prior to the first game. Nothing says game time like wearing a soccer uniform while carrying a football.

Evan played goalie almost the entire tournament. I used to have heart palpitations when I saw him put on the goalie shirt; now I just get nauseated. It is so much pressure to put on a nine year old boy. I think he has begun to feel this pressure, too, because after a year in the goal, he has asked numerous times to play mid-field. He played one quarter as mid-fielder.  However, after stopping ten goals in the third game alone, I don't think he stands a chance of getting moved out of the goal anytime soon. He doesn't know it, but I am sending him to goalie camp this summer. Otherwise, I will have to begin spiking my water bottle with Emitrol.
While playing defense, Keagan juked this player in the first game of the series, and the rest of the team put him on cloud nine reminding him of the move all weekend. One of our star players asked Keagan if he would teach him his move, and before I knew it, he was putting on a mini-clinic in the breakfast room of the hotel.
Our next tournament is in two weeks. Go Gators!

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