Sunday, February 12, 2012


Evan's social studies project for this week: Choose a famous American. Create a project that explains how he changed American society.

Evan plans to go to school tomorrow dressed as FDR and plans to give an oral presentation about his life. This was his dress rehearsal video clip recorded at home tonight that he used
to produce a short movie.

While we were researching FDR this afternoon on the web, we found an article that mentioned FDR's long time mistress Lucy. I think I spent more time trying to avoid the meaning of mistress than defining the New Deal. Finally, after avoiding it and pretending I didn't hear his persistent, "What's a mistress?" I answered with: "It's a girlfriend." That just generated even more questions, though, because he had already found that FDR was married to Eleanor. Finally, he asked, "Why does a married man need a girlfriend?"

I had no answer.

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