Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lightning Races

Lightning raced Saturday at the Pinewood Derby. Let me begin by saying I don't get the block of wood falling down a slope. I had no idea how seriously some kids (and adults) take these races...until Saturday. After the first race, I saw people jumping up and down and cheering, and I thought, "Well, can you believe that? It's a piece of wood falling down an incline." And then it hit me! Do people look at me on the soccer field sidelines and ask themselves, "Well, can you believe that? It's just a game!"

Finally, though, after a full hour of waiting and watching all that I could handle of the crazed whoops of celebration, Lightning was taken to the track.

He got second in all three heats and scored fourth over all! 

Keagan was pretty excited about the finish - especially since we had NO idea what we were doing when we agreed to this. Cut with a saw? Sand? Add weights? Graphite? It was all new to me.

There was no jumping up and down and screaming, though. That would just be over-the-top. We save that behavior for the sidelines of the soccer field.

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