Friday, March 2, 2012

Wine Night

Friday night I had some friends from work over to my place. We called it "Wine Night" because drinking alone is never as much fun, and after Tuesday, we were all going home and doing just that, drinking alone. Keagan was uber-excited about this so called Wine Night. The mention of visitors always throws him into a tizzy because it happens so rarely and he knows the mention of visitors can be equated with good food - something other than the grilled cheese sandwich he can expect on a usual Friday night. His excitement carried over to school on Friday morning, and I received a note from his teacher that said, "Keagan has invited me to your place for tonight's Wine Night. He says I could use a night of relaxation."

But it gets even better.

When I picked him up from school on Friday afternoon, he asked if we had any sporting events to attend and since Friday is the ONLY day during the week that we are free of smelly cleats, foot races, and man-to-man defense, I was happy to say that we were headed straight home. As he left the group of sixty or so kiddos in after-care, he yells, "Oh, Mom! Don't you remember? Tonight is WINE NIGHT!!! Let's get started with the fun."

A few minutes later, Evan says, "Wait, isn't wine ALQUAHOL? Mom, we have seen a few episodes of Intervention. Are you sure about this?"

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