Monday, March 12, 2012

Ain't Afraid of No Ghosts

It's been three months and the Kindle Fires are still the best Christmas presents ever. The boys spend hours listening to music, downloading new apps, and playing games. It provides hours of entertainment. Take this week's find called Ghost Radar Classic. It is a radar screen that detects the movement of ghosts within a room. Although the boys don't really believe in the app or ghosts (at least I hope they don't), they find the "game" of ghost hunts real entertaining. The app revealed ghosts in Keagan's room, and the boys told me today that the ghosts can be scared away with signs. They explained that the message boards must be made of wood and the go-away message must be painted in blood and it must hang above the front door of the house. I think the boys might be combining a piece of folklore with the Passover. After all, we're just two weeks shy of Easter. Just the same, I have made them pinky swear that they will abstain from any sign making - especially sign making that requires blood.

We have also found Truth or Dare app. We played this weekend because it is only after our weekly Saturday sporting events that our fun really begins. The boys were given the dare to switch pants. Keagan got Evan's three sizes too large pajama shorts that slid straight down to his knees with one step, and Evan got Keagan's three sizes too small pajama pants that, well, hugged him in all the wrong places. Evan strutted his stuff around the house and asked, "Do these tight pants make my butt look too big?" Perhaps, I have used him as my full length mirror one too many times.

Last, but not least, we have Good Fart. If my grandmother reads this, she might just disown us. However, in order to stay true to the blog's mission of maintaining sweet memories of my boys' youth, I must push on. This app makes random gas sounds, and with each push of a button, the boys match the sound with the maker. We get, "That's a Daddy fart" all the time. We try to keep it classy here in the sticks of Georgia...after all, Christmas has passed, and we no longer have Christmas ornaments to shoot off the tree decorated in the front yard.

The boys actually read on the Kindles. Really they do. It just so happens the book that Evan is currently reading is Sweet Farts: Book 2. The fact that we read book one and still purchased book 2 probably reveals more about us that I should admit. However, let it be known that we can add reading to the list of time fillers.

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