Saturday, March 24, 2012

This Will Drive Me to Drinking

If I wasn't responsible for driving my track star to the quick track at 0830 for a regional track meet, I would have had my first drink at 0800 because this morning at 0745 Keagan decided he no longer wanted to run track. He put on his soccer shin guards and his Gator uniform and declared himself ready for the drive to Savannah. It took 30 minutes and even more threats to get him into his track shorts and Rockets shirt. Even after I pushed him into the car, even after I said multiple prayers on the way to post, even after I explained that his track team needed him just as much as his soccer team, he was inconsolable about missing soccer. An hour later, after a hard run, after stretching, and after warm up laps, he was still crying about it.

Thoughts of a libations entered my mind again at noon. I was cold. It was raining. And Keagan was still begging me to drive him to Savannah to play soccer with his brother. I was ready to gouge my eyes out. No one told me track meets could be so painful to sit and watch; no one told me it would be so hard to miss a soccer game.

And then this happened.

My nerves were shot. My hands began to shake. I started praying.
I was near faint because this was the 400m race, and after three weeks of track practices, he has never run or trained for this race. Sweet Jesus, what were the coaches thinking?
He got third place, though. Yeah!!!

Just a few short minutes later, his name was called again.....for the 800m. Having never run this race either, he looked at me with big eyes, and asked, "How far is that, Mama?"

"Two laps, Baby." As he ran to check in for the race, I yelled the best piece of advice I had, "Don't sprint until the second lap." And then I paced and paced, and for the third time today, I wished I could take a swig of something strong.
He got second, though!!! Yeah!!!

After five hours of sitting and waiting and even after all that success, he looked at me and asked, "Can we go already? Maybe we can make the last soccer game."

Yes, I think it's time for the drink.

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