Saturday, March 31, 2012

Sweet Deal

I feel like I have spent the last fifteen years waiting to see what the Army will do...with our assignment, with a promotion, with a school, with our lives. I am waiting again, but I am planning next year without knowing if we are staying four more months or staying three more years.

Today, though, Keagan was offered an opportunity that is just too hard to resist, and even if we leave in October, I am going to pretend we have years left in our assignment and just go for it.

He received his first invite for a select team try out today - a very professional invite complete with a business card and a request of release from our present coach. So very classy and professional that I just want to say yes and yes again without even considering the other two possibilities.

Don't let the relaxed pose in the picture taken after today's win fool ya, though. He and his sweet feet are giddy with excitement.

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