Thursday, January 12, 2012

Play by Play Action

Last week I found Evan awake in his bed at ten o'clock. On top of his bed were stacks of notebooks, printer paper, colored pencils and erasers. I asked what he was he doing so late at night, and he said, "I gotta get these football plays on paper, Mama. If I don't, I might not remember them tomorrow and then I won't be able to win."

He is the next Jimmy Johnson, and by JJ, I mean the legendary Cowboys coach, not the NASCAR driver.

This morning the boys were outside playing football. Keagan was the "coach" and Evan was the "team." (Don't even begin to question how Evan can pass, receive, and  tackle when he is playing the role of eleven players because in his mind he does it all.) Evan handed Keagan a stack of papers, and said, "Here are the papers you will need to throw down on the ground and stomp on when the team messes up. All good coaches do that when they get mad."

A few minutes later I hear Keagan grabbing a drink in the kitchen, and I ask him how the game is going. He says, "They are playing like crap today, Mom!" Intrigued, I asked why. He says, "Well we are pretending we are the Dolphins today, and they always play bad."

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