Saturday, January 7, 2012

Nugget of Advice: Let's Learn the Chest Pass

Evan's basketball season tipped off today with their first game. While Keagan's team has a plethora of coaches, we have struggled to keep a coach. The first coach was around for only one practice, and then he left for Fort Polk. Our second coach was a dad that just got orders for Afghanistan. And now we are onto our third coach. At our first practice with coach #3, he won me over when he had the kids running, and they ran so much, one kid began to cry and call out for his mommy.
I felt what I am sure was an instant connection with the 20 year old private.

While the Nuggets began with a team of eight players, we are now down to five. I can only assume these missing ten year olds were just not interested in playing a sport that required running.

One of the players that is still on the team is ten year old fifth grader that is about 5 feet 2 inches tall. She is a beast, and because no one can ever remember her real name we have begun, coaches included, to refer to her as Big Girl. When I first saw Big Girl, I thought for sure she had been placed on the wrong team. After all, Evan is only in third grade and I just couldn't begin to believe that he was old enough to be placed on a team with a girl who was as tall as most adults and wears a bra. So I asked to see her birth certificate.

Apparently, Evan is old enough to be placed on a team with a girl as tall as most adults and wears a bra.

Big Girl is so tall she doesn't have to jump to make a basket. She can touch the rim, and she does from time to time when she takes a shot. Unfortunately, she still doesn't make a lot of points. Herein lies the biggest disappointment of the season. Evan believed Big Girl was the secret to a winning season. After today's game, he realizes a new strategy is needed. I think our new strategy will include learning the chest pass.

In Evan's mind, though, it was a good game. He did get a three pointer in today's game!
I personally think all five kiddos on the Nuggets are the winners. They played the entire game, running back and forth on the court, keeping up with the opposing team, and not one of them cried and called out for their mama!

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