Wednesday, January 4, 2012

He Gets His Moves from Wes

I had these visions of the boys wrapped up in the covers of the bed quietly reading a book with their brand new Kindle Fires. However, the reality is nothing is ever quiet in this house and the boys read only when I strap them into their beds and use threats of "you'll have no football for a week."

I signed Keagan up for track beginning in March. Basketball is in full swing now. Soccer begins next month. I am pushing the sports like never before because this is how the Kindle has been used the majority of the time - when I am not threatening "no football for a week."

This is just one of five videos taken in the past couple of days, and I watch all five of them over and over again because I LOVE them. He is just so darn cute! After I stop chuckling, though, I am reminded that we need to go outside and kick the soccer ball.

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