Sunday, March 21, 2010

He Said It

Keagan: I need some of that "whipped cream that you put on your body to stop itchin'. Can you find me some?"
After several more clues I was able to deduce he was in need of lotion.

Evan asked during church last week: "Has anyone in our family ever robbed a bank?"
I responded in the negative and asked why he wanted to know.
His answer: "Well, that is a pretty bad sin, and I want to know if my family does that kind of bad stuff."

Keagan: "Daddy, are you going to fight the Navy today?"
Wes: "No, Keagan, I don't fight the Navy."
Keagan: "Well, are you going to shoot them with your gun?"

Me: "Keagan, put on a hoodie before you go outside to play."
Keagan: "I'll wear this one. What does this one say on front?"
Me: "Old Navy"
Keagan: "Oh, no! Not that! I don't cheer for the Navy team. Only Army."

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