Sunday, March 28, 2010

Pillar's 5th Birthday

For the past five years we have attended a church plant that meets in a local elementary school. The second Sunday we were in Dumfries, we attended Pillar Church, and we showed up knowing nothing about planting a church. It never crossed our minds to try something else until we were so involved with the group that leaving was not an option. Two and three years later when no one we invited took us up on the idea of coming to church with us we certainly entertained the idea of trying something new. There were many Sundays when I wanted to trade in the stackable chairs for church pews and drive across town to First Baptist.

And I am sure that I am not the only one that entertained that idea.

We celebrated the church's five year birthday with a party complete with cake, games, and food. It was all a bit non-conventional, but pretty much everything the past few years has been anything but traditional.

We plan doing much of the same once we get to Georgia. We are on the look-out for a church that meets in a school cafetorium complete with posters advertising healthy eating habits and banners that teach "hello" in the five major world languages. We have officially given up on stained glass and a choir loft.

However, in the center of it all we do expect to see a cross. A reminder that it makes no difference where you meet as long as the cross is the reason for your meeting.

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