Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The No Good, Very Bad Day

If you have kids, then you probably recognize the above title. It is one of my favorite children's books and I have read it countless times to the boys. This month it has taken on special meaning to me because I have been living the no good and very bad MONTH. This has been our month.

1. Orders for Georgia are finalized. Resign from my job. Put contract on house in Georgia.
2. Learn the Army might keep us in DC for another three years.
3. Pull out of contract with house in Georgia.
4. Beg HR to pull my resignation that has already been approved by the school board and get my old job back.
5. Search for a house to buy in Virginia.
6. Find out the Army will not keep us in DC for another three years.
7. Give up search for house in Virginia; search again in Georgia.
8. Begin envisioning the boys in Georgia Bulldogs jerseys. I think it looks promising because both boys can wear red.
9. Get a call this week. Army would like to keep us in Virginia.
10. Listen to Evan cry about having to endure another winter in Virginia.
11. Try to persuade the boys that football can be just as great in Virginia.
12. Get another call. Army will not let us stay in Virginia.

I will have no more. We will listen to no more job offers, unless it is for me in Georgia because I will absolutely, positively move to Georgia. Do you hear me?

That is until the Army changes its mind again.

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