Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Big 4-0!

If you have read the blog, then you know that we have promised Keagan an ice cream cake when he weighs in at 40 pounds. It is our way to celebrate an accomplishment a long time coming. Last week he decided to weigh himself, and within minutes I heard lots of cheering and statements like "ice cream cake, here I come!" Keagan bounded down the stairs telling me he weighed more than forty pounds. When I asked him how much he weighed, he told me 176! It was definitely time to change the batteries in the scale, or at least double-check his measurements. So I asked him to read to me the numbers on the scale.

He responded with 1-7-6.

And that meant it was time for me to intervene.

He did weigh 1-7-6, but the scale was set to kilograms, and that meant 38 pounds. Not forty. And that meant no ice cream cake.

Tonight Keagan weighed himself again and after two glasses of juice, a bratwurst, a spoonful of macaroni salad, and grapes, he weighed in at exactly 40 pounds.

Wouldn't you know we would be in the market for an ice cream cake the day that I make the bimonthly trip to the commissary and purchase two gallons of ice cream!

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