Friday, March 5, 2010

Famous American Project

This month Evan had to complete a research project on a famous American that has made a significant difference in our society. After we nixed the idea of choosing Tony Romo, he chose Henry Ford. Because we had just been to Georgia the week prior and we had driven past Henry Ford's plantation, he had a story or two to add to his project. 

After completing the project, each student presented theirs to the class. On the day of the presentation he came home to say his presentation went really well, and he liked the project on Walt Disney the best. After pondering for a moment he looked up to me in deep thought, and said, "Ava did her project on someone I didn't know. It was some girl that when Ava said her name all the kids got really excited. Everyone but me."

When I asked him if he remembered the name, he replied, "Taylor Swift."

Evan suggested we google her to research her accomplishments. When he learned she was "just a singer", he replied, "Well, she is kinda pretty, but why is she so important?" 

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